Do These Things and Get Out of Your Rut Sooner

Photo by Kat Jayne from Pexels

Photo by Kat Jayne from Pexels

Working a profession that does not utilize your talents could be a recipe for disaster, and if this includes you, know that you are not alone. According to the Wall Street Journal, 51% of employees reported they were satisfied with their jobs which is the highest rate since the United States recession. This leaves the remaining 49% less than satisfied with their roles, which can have a devastating effect on business. It is a known fact that employees perform the best when they feel seen, they receive praise for their efforts and they get to learn new skills that will make them marketable for greater opportunities. I have found that with any job you choose, there is a spiritual component to it, and when you are able to find the spiritual component that gives you warm fuzzies, stick to it. It will make you stand out from the crowd whether you are looking to climb up the cooperate ladder, start your own business or find a opportunity that is better aligned with your values. By finding this blog post on LinkedIn, you have already made the first step of getting out of your rut. Go ahead, take a moment to give yourself some praise because you deserve it. Self-care is a noble act that I myself did not learn in grade school or in corporate America, but I have found that it is necessary to achieve greatness. I will leave it up to you to define what greatness is for you and welcome you to explore some tips I found to be useful when I have found myself in a rut.

Spend at Least 30 Minutes a Day Learning Something New

This does not have to be a chore, I get it-your busy. Instead of listening to the same regurgitated top 40 pop songs on the radio on your way to work, you could find a podcasts that sparks your interests. This can be done while you are folding laundry, sitting on the bus, or waiting in line to get food. The great thing about podcasts are there are less commercials than on the radio so you get more content for your time. If you are just starting out maybe you will have to try a couple of podcasts until you find one that best suits your area of interests. Perhaps you can use your commute to learn Spanish, gain tips on how to expand your business or listen to movie reviews so you spend less time scrolling on Netflix. At best, you will have new things to talk about by the time you arrive to your office or your next networking event. A mind that is engaged is less likely to be bored. Don't you owe it to yourself to flex your brain muscles? I am always searching for new interesting podcasts to incorporate into my work week, so please share with me some of your interesting finds. Some of my favorites include: Don't Keep Your Day JobThe Science of Happiness, and Psychology in Seattle. Your mileage may very so feel free to try on what works best for you.

Get Involved in Your Community

All work and no play makes Johnny a dull boy, the same can be said about Jane. Art, hobbies and recreation don't only serve as a means to escape from reality but they also allow us to see the world from new perspectives. I have been Instagram sober for several months now and this experience has allowed for me to connect with people in ways that I didn't even imagine to be possible. If you go to church, perhaps you can strike up a conversation with a friend from bible study. If you are a mom, why not schedule a play date with parents in your neighborhood? If you are a property manager, your local neighborhood association can be a space for you to network, share contacts and meet people in businesses that are adjacent. The opportunities are endless. Fantasy football isn't my thing but there are professionals who are interested in the things that you are interested in. Go find that thing you enjoy, draw others in with your enthusiasm and you may be surprise where it takes you.

Try Something New

Getting out of a rut can be difficult when you feel stale and things around you aren't moving. This is especially true for people who experience depression or prolonged bouts of sadness. Why not get inspired by those new shoes you haven't worn in a while? As someone who is not as adventurous with food, I try to find local food places that are experimental with their art. I am a sucker for grunge paintings, dim lighting, live acoustics and bulletin boards displaying events I may have not found otherwise. When corporations tailor their brand to generic audiences with the same style at every location, I get bored with their products and services. As a creative spirit I exhaust easily by the commodification of art when things are quickly mass produced. There is light on the other side of basic, and you owe it to yourself to immerse yourself in creative spaces. Trying something new allows us to identify our boundaries, push out of our comfort zones and meet people we have not met otherwise.

Phone a Friend/Family Member

When was the last time you checked in with your grandma, cousin or sister? Perhaps they have a lived experience different from your own and can teach you something you didn't know. Social media has connected many people but people are talking on the phone less. For me at least, my body receives positive energy at a significantly higher rate from a personal invitation or phone call than a "like" or a text message. If you don't have five minutes to connect with an actual human being, perhaps it may be time to reassess your schedule. We are social creatures after all.

Create a Self-Care Routine

Several months ago one of my peers asked me what my self-care routine was. I paused, stumbled and tripped over the idea several times before I was able to give an authentic answer. As one that juggles work, school and home-I sometimes forget to eat breakfast. I have went to work on days I should have called out sick and I have on occasion forgot to schedule time to have fun. When you know better, you do better and with my new found self-awareness I have made self-care a priority and you should to. We can only go far without adequate food and sleep. We aren't machines and should not act as such. Feel free to exercise your right to say no and not overbook your calendar. If you require that extra hour of beauty sleep on Sunday, go for it. And most importantly of all, if you have vacation time take it. American's don't take enough vacations and it is important not only for our physical health, but for our mental health as well.

Give Thanks

Feeling unappreciated sucks and it does not foster a healthy work environment. Gratitude does wonderful things for both the giver and the receiver. I am my best self when I feel appreciated. When people express thanks, they are more likely to gain a community of people who support them. I have been able to give my time more generously to employers who have developed a culture of expressing gratitude. Thank you's can be given face to face, in handwritten letters, over e-mail or via a positive review on websites like Yelp. Managers can give shout-outs to top performers, give kudos for someone who goes the extra mile or sponsor lunches for a job well done. Since about half of the population are unsatisfied with their position, you have a unique opportunity to help build people up and share why their labor is meaningful to you. I think this alone could raise employee satisfaction by at least 15%.

If you found this post useful, please be sure to like it, share it and comment. This was originally posted on LinkedIn on January, 20th 2019.